Arncliffe West Infants School

Grow in friendship

Telephone02 9567 7062

Before and After School Care

The After School Klub

TASK is available to provide care for AWIS children before school from 7am-9:30 & after school from 3:30-6pm

  • Children are not permitted to be dropped to school BEFORE 9am unless they are attending TASK
  • Children need to be ENROLLED in TASK before they can attend.  You can do this online, via website, choose Arncliffe West or follow this link – choose ENROL
Along with name/address details, You need the following information when you enrol:
  • Your child's CRN number & birthdate (to make sure you can access $$ from CCB/CCR)
  • Your family CRN number & birthdate (to make sure you can access $$ CCB/CCR)
  • 2 x Emergency contact names & phone numbers
  • Immunisation information
  • Any CURRENT health management plans for serious health conditions (eg asthma, epilepsy, anaphylaxis, diabetes)
  • Any special dietary requirements
If you have any problems, please call TASK on 1300 827 500 or email


